Albert Valley Turf Farm

Real turf, ready to cut. Servicing the Gold Coast, Southside Brisbane and Scenic Rim.

Farm 3

About Us

Albert Valley Turf started operations in 1990 as a dedicated structural landscaping operation, specialising in fencing, retaining walls and pergolas.

In 1992, we were starting to grow the landscaping business, contracting to Mervac Homes, Hendley Homes, Wavecrest Homes, Arundel Homes and Aus-Homes. This was the start of soft scaping, requiring us to start buying and selling turf. Being contracted by these companies to complete the final stages of these homes increased our workload and the demand for turf. We were finding a constant supply of turf very hard to come by, which encouraged us to purchase our 1st farm in 2000 and diversify into turf production.

Our first turf harvester, was a Ryan Turf Cutter and all deliveries were fulfilled using an 11 tonne truck with a Hiab crane arm. By the time 2002 came, we decided to focus more on the turf farm and decided to let the landscaping business go. This gave us more time to improve turf growth and quality, so that customer satisfaction was met.

Just 6 years later, in 2008, we managed to buy a bigger turf harvester, a Brauer, which we affectionately named “Henry.” Henry got his name as the tractor is an old FORD, yes you guessed it, as in Henry Ford. In this same year, we also purchased a 22 tonne delivery truck with a Hiab crane arm, which replaced the small 11 tonne truck. Turf supply was in demand, as more and more people wanted a nice lawn and the neighbourhood lawn competitions became a new phase.

Only a year later, 2009, we were in a position to upgrade our delivery truck, by removing the crane and fitting a rear mounted forklift. This improved deliveries and customer service, as we were able to place turf were the customer required it or as close as we could to the lay area. We didn’t have to return the next day to retrieve pallets from sites, saving time and giving our driver back time to complete more deliveries per day.

Bring on 2010, along came our 2nd farm. We were working long hours to re-shape, top dress and plant out stock. Once this farm was ready, we were now harvesting from both farms.

Unfortunately the flooding that came in 2011, 2012 and 2013 set us back months. Every time we recovered from one flood the next one came. Those 3-4 years were not only hard on the business, but on every person employed by Albert Valley Turf.

However, we bounced back and in 2016 our 3rd farm had been purchased. On the new farm we introduced 2 more premium turf varieties, Empire Zoysia and Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo.

In 2017, Cyclone Debbie hit, bringing flooding to the area once again. We were a victim to severe flooding, this time losing our truck and forklift. Lucky for insurance, we were able to replace this unit with a 16 tonne truck with a rear mounted forklift, in a timely fashion.

In 2018 came the addition of a 2nd truck and forklift set up. To further enhance our delivery service.

2023 was an exciting year, as we were able to trade in one of the old trucks and buy a brand new Automatic Isuzu and also upgrade Henry our harvester to a John Deere tractor mounted with a Trebro Auto Slab.

During the period of 2018 to now, we have been making infrastructure improvements to the property. This includes being drought ready, by increasing the size and quantity of our irrigators. We have increased the size of our dam, installed 3 phase wiring down to the dam. All of this has enabled us to move away from running tractors to pump water through the irrigators to now using an electric pump.

All of these improvements over the years, have been put in place to improve staff wellbeing, customer service and excellence in product.

1st Farm
Ryan Turf Harvester
22 tonne truck upgraded with the rear mounted forklift
2nd Farm
3rd farm
More flooding
2nd truck and fork
Old truck, new truck and farm
John Deere & Trebro Auto Slab
Irrigators and Pump